In Memory Of A Friend

In thou memories will i ever live
In thou thoughts awake i will ever be
Thee shall move away in course of time
But thy memories will ever remain

Its hard for thee to come back
but still i shall wait for thee
left thy life to the heaven
and thy memories still in hearts

and those will ever remain there.
dear, you still live in out hearts.

ps:friend-personified cat

All Alone... All Along... All Alone...


All alone in my life i stand
All alone in my life i walk
All alone,deserted i live.
The love i have from all,
Another mask put on

All alone i stand and bear
All alone i live my life.
Your love a hope for me,
But proving to a mirage now.
All alone, all along, all alone..

Long for the love and
everyone seems busy.
Long for care and
masks put on.
all alone, all along, all alone
I live my life, unlamented.

Failed I, to know the fact,
that life is just like this
Forget I, the fact,
all alone i have to walk
all alone i have to bear
all alone i am to face
the world and the world.

All love a proven mirage,
Just a play of words and emotions
All alone i be in the live
i am to live unlamented.

The Companion

Sitting in the visitor’s room is him
The companion of darkness,
Who I often feared but not now.
He has come to take me along,
To guide and walk with me along,
Through the unknown paths of live.

He has come to walk with me,
Not through the live that I live now,
But through the isolated path of life
That is to come after my death.

His face unseen and voice unheard
Yet so powerful to make me walk
All along, all alone, all along.
As I was along, I would imagine
How his appearance would be
And then visualize it.

His eyes so dark yet a smile on his lips
And I wish if I could smile like him now
For, it’s the last chance for me to smile.
He has come to take me along
To guide and walk with me
To the next life I am to live.

I see my life waving her hands at me
I see her bidding farewell to me
The life I had lived till now,
The life that I dreamed, hoped
Wanted and had isn’t mine now.
It has bid farewell to me.

The live I lived had given her place
For the new companion to own.
His waiting finally comes to an end
He is in the room now, with me.
Helping me pack the memories,
to carry along as he holds my hand.

He has come to take me along and
He is called by the name Death.

Ripped Soul


I wish if i could split myself,my body,
my heart and my soul into two,
just like the reflections of me.
one for the one i love and
one for her who loves me.
i wish if this could come true
if i could exist in two yet unique
if i could be one and the same
in the ripped souls of my own.

it feels like nothing but hell to know
her love for me and to neglect.
it not just hurts but bleeds
it just hurts and bleeds to know
that some loves me,though known
that i am committed and not alone.

it hurts, bleeds, pains and finally kills
but i fear of standing this morbid state
i do not want to be killed by this pain
for my life is not yet fully lived...

I wish if i could split myself,my body,
my heart and my soul into two,

if i could exist in two yet unique
in the ripped souls of my own.

The Girl In The Bus

English exam was too boring for me. Did finish writing then in one and a half hour and then the teacher announced that i will be let out of the class by 12:30 only.and yeah, about the exam, did the drama part to the best of my ability and poetry part was worst.Nor did i know about the poems' contents, nor did i read the notes.thanks to my junior for giving me her notes to read.With out your book, poetry would have been even more tough for me. so as said, i had 1 hour spare time in the exam hall, i had my pencil and the question paper was printed at one side only. the vision of the girl in the bus came to my mind, and i noted down that visuals in the question paper. here it goes :

The Girl In The Bus

Dressed in red and white she entered
the bus, with a serene smile.
talking to her mate and then laughing'
i who watched went motionless,
In her looks i fell unconcious
the eyes crossed just for once
and the contact made
a glare of her eyes and mine..
a world of stories to tell in hers
but i could not read any
as i only saw sadness filled
in them, and not even tears.
but then heard the bell ringing
i got out and watched the bus
gliding away, with her.
that was only a mintues' admiration
of the angelic beauty she had.

it was 12:30 then, and i got out of the class room as well.aah well that was a day...
Penned to Life by Shravan. Powered by Blogger.
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