My Shadow

In the dawn, behind me he walked
in my childhood, dreams i had
My dreams did follow me,
walked with me all along.

In the mid-noon,with me he walked
In my youth, i lived my dreams
I achieved my goals, and fame i had
stood I, with my head up, as he .

In the dusk, before me he walked
In my old age, memories i had-
of the life i lived so far.
sat i, reclined to my chair, remembering.

The other side of i he is
my shadow he is! With me,
in lifes' ups and downs he transversed
and when i am buried,he too will be.

1 Shared Thoughts:

Ayesha Parveen said...

Nice one Shravan. Shadow proves that there is light! Best wishes.

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Penned to Life by Shravan. Powered by Blogger.
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