-the author Jinju S is a budding, but not frequent blogger. I love her poems, and she is blessed with the craft. read her blog here.

Forever was meant
To flow on infinitely,
Like a million stars that sigh
On a lonely night,
Like the blue of a summer sky.

Forever was to be endless
As the serene splendour
Of a calm ocean-
Aeons lapping against
The shores of Eternity.

Forever was to go on and on
For miles and miles,
As far as the eye can see,
Like the golden sands of a blazing desert,
A never-ending expanse.

Forever was to fill up
Galaxies, histories, centuries-
And also our entire lives;
In short, forever was forever,
Or so I thought.

“Wrong!” Life cried in mocking glee,
Shaking his wizened locks,
Forever is but a broken view
From round a corner,
An illusive stretch that lasts
Until the next corner.”

With bated breath, I neared
The approaching bend in the road,
And indeed, beyond it I saw-

4 Shared Thoughts:

Shravan RN said...

Jinju, thank you very much for accepting my invitation and responding to it in no time. and i loved the work.

“Wrong!” Life cried in mocking glee,
Shaking his wizened locks,
“Forever is but a broken view
From round a corner,
An illusive stretch that lasts
Until the next corner.”

loved these lines, and quite true it is !

KParthasarathi said...

Wow.Jinju.An amazing poem.There is no evidence of a budding author as the intro says but that of a seasoned veteran.

..Rugma.. said...

jinju....a very brilliant one....
will check out your blog to get to know more abt ur style.....

Jinju said...

@shravan: My honour to be invited by u in the first place! thanx shravan!

@GP: Thank u GP.. ur encouragement is my inspiration :)

@My world...
Hi... Thank u for dropping in. Glad u liked the poem and hope u like d others on my blog too...do keep visiting

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